Sunday, October 15, 2006

Pretty Thank You Cards From Hairstylists

... it happens a lot ....

hello dear!
here now so once again a small report from me but ... at the beginning first, some pictures!
ok so on the first picture is my host mom vita, on the second picture I am with my new passion soap bubbles =), on the third picture you can see our new friend we made in Riga, on the fourth my older host sister and I, on the fifth lea, it is also an exchange student from dtl and I understand her very well here. is on the next screen to watch our house, then our yfu on owo, the next my younger host sister and my tutor on the last zane! yes ok so so much to the pictures!

otherwise ok so here is a lot happened in the meantime! many great stuff but not so great things! but of course I'll start with the awesome! a few weeks ago we had a sports day at my school, it was like all the schools are taken by our ventspils olimpic centr each other and there are arrayed against each other! in all possible sports: swimming !!!!, basketball, athletics, etc.! that was all a bit like the Olympic games set up, so really .. great with Olympic torch and incoming fire and was so .... the! Then there was the Teachers' Day! so because it was so that we all have our class teacher brought flowers again! and to this day do not have special teachers to teach the 12 ... well done and how you imagine koennt hatten wir nicht wirklich unterricht..also ich haette an dem tag eigentlich 9 stunden gehabt aber wir konnten schon nach der 3. gehen weil die 12 kein bock mehr hatten..aber es war trotzdem lustig!!!dann hatten wir noch einen tag wo wir die 11er was fuer die 10er vorbereiten mussten, zur begruessung weil sie ja jetzt auf der highschool sind!!! das kann man eigentlich so ein bisschen wie den chaostag der 12er vergleichen! also die 10er wurden mit lippenstiften vollgemalt und dann sind wir in einen park gegangen, aber vorher wurden die 10er zusammen gekettet, und dort mussten sie dann irgendwelche hindernissparcoure durchlaufen, natuerlich immernoch zusammen gekettet!!!ja und zum schluss waren alle nass, weil sie das mit diesem teich nich so auf die reihe ... have got! but they have not complained !!.... I was the last time we in again for a
riga and it was so funny ... I'm on another exchange student .. and we slept with johanna ham taken hold as nausea with the other of yfu and were at open house in the YFU office! missing on friday night we were waterpipes locally in one that was smoking real fun there, and water pipe makes a lot of fun! then on Saturday night was at johanna a party where the water pipe was not allowed (I think this is so typical Latvian) and because once again we had to have lots of fun! which we in Riga are always a welcome change to the normal everyday! that we had somehow typical Latvian!
on friday i was with my older host sister at a birthday party! and the girlfriend of her celebrated in a sauna .. so satisfied such a pirtsparty! that was so dependent as we have drunk a little nausea and have danced and then you could if you wanted to go in the sauna!
on Saturday we celebrated the birthday of my host father! which of course again with sauna was so so slow I think I'm the saunagaenger I come to the right to nem contract ... and I also always better =))
yes on the day I also finally met my
remaining ancestral and the
are all super cute! my one gastopa knew me not arrived when she looks at me and he knew of course nicth who I am and then someone told him the girl I'm from Germany and he was like, ah German girl, good German girl, I like German girl! that was so funny ... others of the kinship I have always verwegselt with my older host sister ... anyway it is my so many that I see her fully similar ....!!!!
nuja so that was that we ....!!!
I'm now a week and then school
may I also call myself a vacation kind! next saturday i will go with my host family to Riga because there is a place to meet yfu, I'm glad there already total on it and am very excited as the other is given up now so!
with the Latvian it is always better .. I now get tutoring from the German teacher and my host sister, that's totally great and is so slow that even what to talk to the Latvian! I'll give me trouble!!
oh yeah I had at the beginning said that not so great things have happened! So a few weeks ago it was with me in the first ventpils gymnasium (which is not my school) a student of the knife with a student went off on 4 other .... that was pretty awesome, because I would have never thought him as well so what happened! Of course, but the student now sits in prison, so no reason to worry! naja and then goes to the time still
ne menengietisepedemie in Latvia in order ... so at my school already 2 ill student and now when another student falls ill then the school closed for 2 weeks ... for protection! and Latvia are in another part of almost 300 sick people make .... but no ... the sanne put away the!
yes otherwise it start to snow here in about a week ... and I already freezing all day .... how is it then in the winter?? Well that's good
containing first from me again ...
Thanks again for your great love letters, and
e-mails .. I am looking forward each time about a message of you!
hope, then I am hear from you again soon .. do not forget me .. and see you soon ...
sanne .........