Saturday, July 14, 2007

Scanning Slides Resolution

school for Down syndrome children

Dear Down Syndrome interested

how it works: Down syndrome, and enrollment in a regular school?

is for some parents now, this very question. Either you very fortunate that there is an outdoor class in the city are - otherwise you have to fight for it. It is worth it!

alone, it is very cumbersome to ask why the disabled school if they know other children who are enrolled in school. Often in such a school, a kindergarten is integrated. But now many are thanking of "our children," God, be integrated into regular kindergarten, it is not easy to figure out wer zusammen mit dem eigenen Kind eingeschult wird.

In unserer Außenklasse, die mittlerweile im 7. Jahr an einer Grund- und Hauptschule geführt wird, sind Altersunterschiede von 4 Jahren. Wichtig ist, rechtzeitig Kontakte mit anderen Eltern zu knüpfen und dann gemeinsam das Anliegen an die Behinderten-Schule zu stellen, dass man eine Außenklasse gründen möchte.

Bei uns bot sich die kleine Grund- und Hauptschule im Vorort an. Meistens haben gerade diese Schulen Schwierigkeiten, genug Kinder zu bekommen, weil keiner sein Kind gerne auf einer Hauptschule sieht. Unsere Hauptschule ist übrigens super! Es gibt auch die Möglichkeit, sein Kind in eine normale Grundschule einzuschulen und mit Integrationshilfe to work.

my opinion, this makes less sense. I think that by the third or fourth school year, our children can not keep up and what do you do? Then our child has just settled in and has to change but on the disabled school. Repeat the class means for the child and new classmates ... .

Especially my daughter needs the regularity and habits. And it needs also are YOUR SAME! It's not easy to screw his own ambition back, but when the interests of the child keeps in mind, it is easier.

I am also happy when I find someone who is so like me who thinks the way I ...

Does not everyone have his friends? And so it goes to my daughter. She loves her brothers and their friends, the neighborhood children, children from the place (everybody knows) but particularly she is glad to see after the holidays, the children from their outer class.

The experience we gained in integrated foreign class are just very positive. I wish everyone to have this opportunity.

Regards Elke

PS: Here is a review of Jonas, who was integrated into a mainstream primary school and has made it into the higher grades.