Saturday, March 22, 2008

How Do You Write About Best Friends

rabbits are interesting not only for Easter! Pets bring responsibility.

Wer zu Ostern seinen Kindern ein oder zwei Kaninchen schenkt, sollte sich der Folgen bewusst sein. Jedes Haustier bringt Verantwortung mit sich, und das weit über Ostern hinaus. Traurig, wenn man 3 Wochen nach Ostern durch die Tierheime geht und alle Käfige voller Zwergkaninchen sind. Zuerst sind sie total süß, man möchte sie nicht mehr aus den Augen lassen.

Doch schnell kann es geschehen, dass die Arbeit überhand nimmt, der man sich vorher gar nicht so bewusst war. Die Kinder verlieren vielleicht auch irgendwann das Interesse an den Haustieren, und dann bleibt es an einem Haushaltsmitglied hängen, sich jahrelang um ein Kaninchen zu kümmern. Dazu gehört nicht nur die regelmäßige Fütterung, auch die Inspektion auf Parasiten und die Kontrolle von Krallen und Zähnen should be undertaken regularly. Otherwise you risk to keep the animal does not naturally. Furthermore, a dwarf rabbit needs plenty of space to be able to develop freely. Quite apart from these animals should never be kept alone!

I wish all the Easter bunnies, that they come to good families!

Writing Community Service Completion Letter

The rabbit sleeping house in the rabbit cage, what is it good? Retreat and recuperation for domestic rabbits

need as an opportunity to retreat Hoppler a house in which they can sleep undisturbed. During the day they sit on the sofa like house, on top of the cage to keep the overview. Incidentally, this is typical of rabbits of all kinds means a welfare to accommodate the house at one point in the cage, the truly protected and not very accessible.

It is not good, simply tear away the sleeping house, if you want to stroke his rabbit. Just imagine, someone picks up your roof and gets out you. Is probably not very pleasant. If the rabbits want to play or stroked, they come all by itself!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Recipe For Fondant Cake Boss Recipe

How much space do rabbits in their cage?

The cage should be large enough for 2 Hoppel jumps, which are about 1 mx 60 cm. For an all they liked to frequent the back paws, so a minimum height of 50 cm is necessary. Several floors bring variety to the rabbits life. The grid should be galvanized or chrome (stainless) and a certain thickness as And escape have protection. Plastic-coated grid (green or white) are not suitable, since the animals gnaw the plastic and it begins to rust.

The cage can also be made of wood. This material is more natural than the usual plastic cages, and rabbits can nibble at the wood. That way, they do very much and thoroughly. If you want to do them some good, let them. This will be the ever-renewable teeth are worn and need not be handled by the vet. It is for people like us: A home is not to live there, watching:) are

super-cage-building instructions from there XOPPLA .

Thursday, March 20, 2008

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1 and 1 - rabbit and its territories

1 and 1: Rabbits are social animals, but claim their own territories (areas). 2 males or 2 females together often show aggressive behavior. It is better, a couple of different sexes, at best, from the same litter to keep. Therefore it is necessary to castrate the male.

Even the female is referred to "castrate" of which is a major operation, one should expect the females only when no other possibility exists.

most likely you can still keep 2 females together, the guys tend over time to spin:)

How To Get Pokemon Yellow On Ur Ipod

rabbits - alone or with others?

Who holds the first white rabbits, perhaps not, if he only one or several should hold. Finally, mean more animals and more work. But it is important for welfare always keep at least 2 rabbits together. Otherwise one would run the risk that the animals do not behave according to their nature and more miserable. Therefore:

Rabbits are easy to keep. You are sociable, and so you should never hold a single rabbit, but always at least two together.

so they can play together and have variety.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Best Communication Boards

Down syndrome and school

Dear Friends of Down syndrome people

who could help me with this issue? I am looking for experience reports that children with Down syndrome have alternative schools, such as this link.

There is a question that the Administrative Court of Cologne has decided that teachers or school board can not determine whether the parents send their child to an integrated private school, unless there adequate support of the child is ensured. This is for the parents.

any of you experience with children with Down syndrome, for example, go to a Waldorf school? What would you recommend? I find that with us while the integration the outer class went really well, but the independent study class is suffering more and more, because there's always back staff hours are reduced ... it is sufficient either for their own courses or for integrative undertakings! Too bad, with the motto:

In the next school year before it goes back to the regular school ...

How does one with a teacher two days a week for eight children with disabilities fairly?

of Replies or emails to I would be very grateful.

Best wishes to all those whose heart beats for these people
