Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why Does Chamomile Relax You

Women and passions ....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Skate Sharpening Machine Used For Sale

Art Crime ....

 sind eigenständige,
 effiziente Wesen.
 Bei Bedarf können sie
         hemmende emotionale Bindungen ablegen

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Is A Tanning Booth Good For Dark Spots

Large art in the nail salon

...möchte euch Lust auf mehr
do look, but at times

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Motor Cross Party Supplies

Internet problem

Hey guys,
if some of you still stop by from time to time on this blog: I have problems to my computer to go online. Therefore, no blog entries gabs in recent times and will probably not be any until my internet is working again. Quite a shame because I have so many great things and seen many pictures ... I hope I will soon find someone who can make my browser working order again!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Used Quads For Sale In California

More ......

"Spring fever
and also in our designs ..
awakens the natural scents, sounds and voices of nature, the first rays of sunlight on the skin ... Check out more ....

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jcb Excavator Manuals

"spring fever" at the nail

Hi girls,
sniffing for spring!

WOMEN are quick starters.
them all is too slow.
is what bored!
By good looks, charm and plays
even come
the most incompetent
WOMEN out wherever they want.

Every woman is
has several faces
But the worst part.
It has its

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How Do Your Peiods Look After D &c

typical WIFE & Nail Design in the spring ...

     FRAUEN lieben glückliche Fügungen,
Liebe auf den ersten Blick und solche Dinge-
und wissen sie geschickt und weitsichtig zu arrangieren.
   So schmieden sie sich GLÜCKSSTRÄHNCHEN.

Eine FRAU zu verstehen
 ist unmöglich.
    Eine Frau nicht zu verstehen

IF women say something
rarely involve world movement.
But alas, it does not listen, then the earth shook .

image in the background. " REALITY " the Frauenrealität.Acrylbild / charcoal drawings shows incorporated ....

women are known for
good and versatile HUMOR. You can even


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why Cant I Get Midrin Any More

Hellooo? Joy of life and beautiful nail design

Give me the ability to accept things that I can not change, give me the courage to change things that I can change, and give me the wisdom to distinguish one from another. Christoph Friedrich Oetinger

"We do not at all what you want." Francoi de La Rochefoucauld

"to seize the moment to think every step of the way in the evening, to spend the greatest number of happy hours, is wisdom."; Ralph Waldo Emerson
"natural mind can replace almost every level of education, but keine Bildung den natürlichen Verstand." Arthur Schopenhauer 

Hallo, ihr lieben Leser und Schauer-kommentiert
doch mal unsere Posts.Schreibt uns einfach mal, wie ihr unser "Tagebuch" findet und was ihr zu unseren Nagelcreationen sagt, Medusas Kundinnen amüsieren sich jedenfalls prächtig und lassen euch gerne teilhaben an ihrem Nagelvergnügen.... !


"The wisdom has recognized that dies as
carefree as
he was born." Seneca

Friday, January 28, 2011

Holly Willoughby 30 Birthday Cake

poverty and wealth ......

"If a woman has the choice between LOVE and WEALTH , she always tries to choose both." MarcelAchard

"With the ready WEALTH become is also a problem." Ludwig Erhard

"My problem is is to bring my lavish lifestyle with my net income in line. "Errol Flynn

" really rich is a man only if he has the heart of a loved one . Greta Gabor