Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Keep Getting Bumps On Inside Of Nose

school in Latvia

hy love her!
here now so once again a small report from me i wanted a bit of the school tell here, because it really quite a difference in contrast to the school in Germany! So the teachers are here in latvia tolerant of something .. that can really get away with murder (the apologize in advance ... you'll still understand why!) actually is the school here is very stressful and hard! die erste stunde beginnt erst um 8 das ist echt gut und dann geht eine stunde 40 min!in der erste schulwoche hatten wir eine "probewoche" das heisst das wir unseren richtigen stundenplan noch nicht bekommen haben sondern erstmal nur so ein paar stunden jeden tag hatten! da musste ich auch jeden tag erst 8.50 in der schule sein und hatte nur bis 14 uhr unterricht!das war echt toll, und ich bin fast aus den latschen gekippt als ich montag meinen richtigen stundenplan gekriegt habe!ich habe montag 8, dienstag 9, mittwoch 9, donnerstag 8 und freitag 7 stunden...das ist wahnsinn! aber was auch echt toll ist, dass meine direktorin meinte das ich nach der "probewoche" entscheiden soll zu welchen faechern ich gehen will und zu den faechern zu den ich nicht gehen will geh I just do not stop! teaching subjects which are essentially as in dtl. the only thing that is different, there are business, cultural history, psychology, ecology and health with something like that ... but I still have no proper translation found! ok so the lesson here is so that the teachers all the time dictated write and the students! that's pretty hard for me because I do not understand and so can not help to write as I do not even know how I write the words must! but a bit then I'll write more about my neighbor from bank but I have no idea what I write as always! otherwise I will still not get bored if I can not even take notes, then I look just great in my order and see things the war there the funniest! So one hears loud music and listen to the I can, the next schmickt be painted and sms the nails, another writes or telfefoniert, or they eat and drink in class yesterday, one of the other, the eyebrows plucked and they talk of course the entire time loudly through the whole class! yes and the teacher did not disturb the that makes calmly continue with the lessons! now you do and what I mean by that the teachers here are very tolerant! what surprises me still is that the students in spite of everything pretty well in school I do not understand how they do that! which is also pretty verwundernd they expect everything in math in my head the company never seen a calculator that their examinations at the end of the 12 without writing calculator! ok, it's still not here so that the stapler take special in any way to write in little booklets and they write all the time .. with kulli! I've unpacked my Pens, they have first looked with great surprise, that was pretty funny! yes ok, so how do you see here is the school an experience that made me here every day for very exciting!
otherwise, I ate yesterday, the national food of latvia beans with bacon! I would have thought that I absolutely do not taste but it was totally delicious! The food here is generally very good, if rather greasy!
we were a few days ago noch in der sauna! das war total aufregend, es ist so das die letten mit badebekleidung in die sauna gehen und als ich ihnen erzaehlt habe das man in dtl nackt in die sauna geht haben sie grosse augen gemacht, und am meisten hat sie gewundert das maenner und frauen zusammen in die sauna gehen! es hat aber trotzdem total viel spass gemacht! wir haben uns mit birkenzweigen geschlagen und so ein komisches selbstgemachtes kaffeepeeling aufgetragen! das war echt total toll und ich freu mich schon aufs naechste mal!
dann habe ich mir letztens den sonnenuntergang am strand angeguckt das war echt total toll! ich wohne ja 5 km von der ostsee entfernt!
ja ok soviel dazu...ich hoffe euch geht es allen gut und ich hoer mal von euch...ich freu mich ueber jede nachricht!
soon ..
I love you guys ..

Monday, September 4, 2006

Getting Wrinkles Out Of Nylons

The first day of school and my first weekend in Riga

ok now I post something a little bit about my totally exciting to live here in great latvia! I can now write regular as we now have internet at last, for which we even have like a tree! Any case, this is a been very joyful events and what is very nice too, we will now get drinking water soon! the water which is currently out of our taps drip namely is yellowish-brown and report to blood or iron (I have not yet made the right choice)! in any case the real progress here, the experience I can! the preset schonmal: excuse my German but I said, come all mixed up in recent times with the denn ich sprech hier neben ein paar saetzen lettisch auch englisch, russisch und deutsch und da kommt mal schon mal etwas schneller durcheinander!
ok also der erste schultag war total interessant fuer mich, weil das hier total anders ist als in deutschland!der erste schultag, der 1.september, ist ein ganz bedeutender tag und die vorbereitungen dafuer beginnen bereits schon am vortag, so auch im hause buks! wir haben also schon am 31. august begonnen unsere haare zu frisieren, unser make-up aufzulegen und haben unsere sachen fuer den naechsten tag angezogen! und das alles einfach nur um zu gucken ob auch alles gut aussieht und ob alles zusammenpasst damit am naechsten tag auch ja nichts in letzter minute schief gehen kann! die letten sind ja eigentlich sehr spontane people but I had the feeling that they lose this spontaneity as it rotates around the 1st of September!
was the next day then so far, we got up early, have us very dressed up, because that to do so (the guys even had a suit, at least most) and then drove with my two sisters to school! , I had to be at 9:00 in the school! On the way to school we have some quick flowers for the class teacher bought! (The great, also, that a girlfriend size of my host sister was going well in my class and I have already a few days ago already met him, so I on the day not quite so alone was!) As we had arrived at the school have we put our things in the classroom and then all the schulfhof out! there were many people there total, students all teachers, students as well as lots of the parents! then when everyone had gathered in the schoolyard, could begin! First, the anthem was played by Latvia, then had some student classes in the program prepared a little higher and this presented! Next, the small, new student welcomed solemnly, that was totally cute! and as financial statements, the director still held a talk, I understood nothing of course, but she did not take all of the students report for this school year exchange student from Germany to learn one of their school is! then they called my name and I still welcomed in German! that's really very nice of her but have people staring at me all and I would like to be buried in the ground! ok ... so when the director was ferig then we all went into our classrooms and I have my class to know! (I think I have not mentioned it but I go to year 11!) I was actually a bit afraid because they had told us on the owo the Latvian students are not very interested in exchange students and doll them out rather to walk away than to approach them! in my case that was fortunately not so, my schoolmates were very nice to me and my fears were unfounded! We are then only yet gone through the list of names and have the timetable on Monday got! then we were already ferig and could go again! go when we have then our class teacher, where the flowers! the leherer get in Latvia often given flowers and I would interssieren times what they do with all the flowers are in our class for about 31 student and as you can imagine what then for a lot of flowers to carry home! but somehow I find it's a really nice idea!
ok ... so this was the first school day in ventspils! after I came from school it was for me the matter now, because I am over the weekend and I went to Riga in magda usual! Magda is also a exchange student from Germany and I know it from my VBT! The main reason why
I went to Riga, was so firmly in Riga on the occasion of the first school day! that was set in a park and had yfu there also was had and we should go there to distribute flyers, talk to people with us to sing and dance and just have fun! The only problem was that I arrived very late in riga I hours by bus 3 of ventspils'm going to riga! I am arrived in Riga, I had only a 3 / 4 hour to be firm on this, but it was still totally beautiful so many people see again from yfu! had degraded after we then yfu stand, we have my stuff to magda do! (Oh yeah, we do not know, only one was Pland in maschiert hand through Riga and tried to come to magda, but it worked and we have arrived! Is now specifically for Alexander, because you know how bad mine is a sense of orientation and then city also in a totally alien, you can be proud of your little sister!) after we were so in magda, we met with some other exchange students and are a little run through the city and were in a cafe, which was totally delicious there! (Who wants the time to Riga, I can only double-cafe "recommend that is really totally good!) Riga at night is really great and there is raging in the night life or that! We did it after a while so the feet hurt so much that we decided to go home! Thus was the day then exited too! The next day we went shopping then! Here there are shops really great! I call now just a few: Seppälä (which is similar to h & m), bik bok, and there are also vero moda and Zara and I noticed that there is in Latvia really great shoe and schmucklaeden! in this whole weekend I've totally seen a lot of riga, I think we have explored almost all the old town, and we had so much fun and I'm looking forward there will be total weeks on my next trip to the weekend in 2!
yes ok ... so much happening on the first of the great letzten wochen...wenn ihr zu irgendetwas ne frage habt, fragt mich ruhig ich freu mich total ueber interesse! ach ja und ich kann hier wahrscheinlich schwimmen gehen...juhu!
mit meinem lettisch mach ich auf fortschritte...ich hab mir jetzt pinocchio auf lettisch vorgenommen!
ok ...das wars erstmal von mir..ich freu mich ueber jeden brief und jede e-mail und jede sms von euch! ich ver misse euch .....bis bald...liebe gruesse aus dem tollen lettland!.....