Thursday, January 18, 2007

Implantation Bleeding Red Then Brown

Christmas, New Year's Eve and hurricanes ...

So my love ....
first a very great excuse that I had written anything for so long .. but here I have always much to do, or'm not at home or something like that .... I'm sorry .. but I'm going to jez times a bissl take time and tell you all the latest events .. and it is much happened ..!
so I just caught on to Christmas! I have celebrated Christmas at my house with all the ancestral .. .. and it was very funny! Christmas actually runs from something similar in Germany ... therefore you should not think they like it here, the Russians do what !.... I was a bit sad was that we actually do not really the advent "celebrated" So every Sunday .... have had been quite normal, there was no snow, there was no gingerbread and Stollen (but I've fortunately got a lot from Germany sent ... thank you again) ... which is a umpteenth what has helped for a little Christmas feeling was the mulled wine ... but hey ..... the 24th was then still at some point! 23 I'm with my host family for Christmas Pelmeni and baked pies ... what a proposition was very mealy but still funny ... and at least they tasted too! the right began to cook but only on 24 at ... at the pallet, it is the Christmas they eat (ie, 24) lots and lots of typical Latvian things ..... so it happened so I on 24 before a buffet dinner with all the food was much ... and there were: gray peas with bacon (very tasty), pig snout (just like ne snout-like but I've eaten nothing since I am with the pig still would have can maintain such a genuinely looked it), various salads, and our pelmeni dumplings, potatoes, cabbage, cake very much and of course the German gingerbread and German stollen (which has the pallets also tasted very good)! yes I think I've forgotten anything! after eating I got my mess! gastopa was my father Christmas for my little gastbrueder and my host sister of a difference Christmas angel ....!!! In my family it was so that one only his gift when you get a Latvian poem reciting or singing a Latvian song .... and the same was true for me .... but I've already learned so busy and I've also got my gifts! added after the big mess my host dad a fireworks made for us ... which was very great, and then later in the evening we are all still went to the sauna ...! I went to 2 clock at night fell into bed ... dead .... but happy it was a really nice Christmas ... even though I could not celebrate with my beloved in Germany!!
yes ... then a week later was the new year ..... we also have with us again celebrated at home in our disco room! then again there were all relatives and friends with us!! new year is celebrated here as well as in Germany ... there is much drinking and dancing and celebrating! at 0.00, my dad once again welcoming a fireworks made and then you drive normally if you live in the city of Ventspils in the to begin in the Flower because ventspils the new year until about 0.31 (that's a tradition in Ventspils), where the mayor holds a speech and then there is a huge fireworks and music .... but unfortunately I could not see because the order d hese time of all the drivers can have very drunk and then say now would be too dangerous (oh yeah and I may have to do that I see in a village 7 km from Ventspils ...=))... live but Well perhaps experience I would go way different again! so we are still at home and have more properly celebrated with karaoke, water pipe, Norbu, table tennis and then a little later and of course sauna .... more logical!! when for me the night has ended I can not say I've not looked at the clock .. ...=).. but it was long!
jaja ... for you, so then went on 2 the school or go back I think? I certainly had a week vacation =)... more in this week I went to there and I Jaunpiebalga johanna, another exchange student from us, and visited their host brother Kaspar =)... The week was .. as always .. very funny .. in one day we were at a pirtspart (sauna party) was here much in Latvia typisch is t( und natuerlich immer mit wasserpfeife) und sehr sehr viel spass macht..!!!das muesste man mal in deutschland einfuehren ..ihr wisst gar nicht was euch da entgeht...
so was gibt es noch neues??achja ich hatte in der ueberschrift was von orkanen gelesen!! wir hatten am sonntag( 14.01.) einen orkan ...und es war richtig riga sind die autos durch die luft geflogen, wir hatten 2 tage lang kein strom und wasser, die schiffe sind gestrandet, wir mussten montag nicht in die schule und 2 mensch sind gestorben ...also es war richtig schlimm!! meine gastfamilie meinte das das hier normal ist..wenn es im winter nicht schneit da nn kommen orkane...also ich brauch das nicht nochmal aber so it looks like I will not save for tomorrow, because (19.01.) is again a vorrausgesagt but this time with snow! look like once .. anyway .. but that is not afraid ... I am doing well ... the sanne Nothing blows away as soon ...!!!
yes I think that was really interesting all of me first! I would like to thank you for the great post-Christmas I have received from so many and I've also already written you back .. I just have to throw those words .... know if they meant it .. could you has already looking forward to post from me!
nochwas about the pictures and oh yeah ... the first of new year are ... are on the first my older host sister and I anete on 2nd my host dad agris, my host mom vita, my gastoma and a friend of her .. I know you can not recognize the right at the 3rd I sing karaoke at the picture .. was very funny =)... on the 4th the left and right my gastbrueder Martin and Janis and is in the middle armands friends .. the son of the best of my family ... then the next is I with my hookah .. oh yes .. the next nice because we were in a penis museum =) .. the picture is then'm coming from there ... and the last with my dad and hospitable to new year ... yeah ok so much about the pictures ... that you forget not like Love your looks sanni ne? is clear ..
so na ata then ... I'd say ... and see you soon again .. love from gruesse lettland..eure sanne=*


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