Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Science Project With Paper Towel Absorption


Dear potential of Down syndrome Menschen,

Pränataldiagnostik ist ein schwieriges und heikles Thema. Bekannt ist ja, dass es Frauen ab 35 angeboten wird. Bekannt ist auch, dass es durch die Fruchtwasseruntersuchung zu Fehlgeburten kommen kann, so dass sich jede Schwangere wirklich überlegen sollte, ob sie eine Fruchtwasseruntersuchung machen lässt oder nicht.

Ich finde, dass sie es nur machen sollte, wenn sie sich auch über den nächsten Schritt bewußt ist, d.h. wenn die Diagnose eintrifft, die man eigentlich nicht wollte. Ansonsten setzt man dem Kind eine unnötige Gefahr aus. Nur, um zu wissen, dass das Kind "normal" ist, dafür ist eine Fruchtwasseruntersuchung zu gefährlich.

Anscheinend gibt es seit 2004 in Denmark a risk poorer investigation. Anyone who clicks on this link, a report by this and an investigation was made in Denmark, as the on abortions and the number of births of babies with Down syndrome affects.

Here is an excerpt that I think is important:

"A widespread prenatal testing is however not uncontroversial example, criticize parents' associations such as the Down Syndrome Information Center in Cologne, that many parents are not informed sufficiently about the consequences of disability. would be - a life with Down syndrome can both the child and the parents are just as satisfied as Offspring without the genomic mutation. "

which I can wholeheartedly agree. Sure, there's something else, a child with Down syndrome instead of a" normal ". I would never want to exchange my daughter and I would never one of my three sons want to miss. It's up to each own.

Let's not forget that the women who have abortions suffer years later with great remorse. Sure, at first it is the solution. The problem is gone, but over the years appear on the conscience then is to make irreversible

A woman has contacted me in one of my parents' child-Turn Group:.. You was because they already "older" was to leave to make an amniocentesis and lost the baby there. "Actually, I would have had two children ...." I felt so sorry for this woman with this burden. I think it has done its good to talk about it.

Perhaps it is building, but on someone who is facing such a situation and reads how happy you are with a child with Down syndrome.

I would be delighted if you send me comments or you can also mail me.




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