Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Whats Best For A Tight Chest?

Simba, Cinderella und Spiderman

Tomorrow is my last day of school this week. I come to enjoy a four-day week, which should be overcome with 18 lessons quite well, since I use a lot of prepared things twice. I teach the next three weeks, two first classes, three third and two fourth classes, and each a sixth and seventh grade. Per year, there is a division into classes I to IV, the lower the number, the worse the class. I found on the 6th 7.Klaesslern the worst and got what I but not unhappy, I would have no great desire instead of my own lovely as students 10th and teach 11.Klaessler ...
in three weeks already my first two weeks of holiday, if it can be done I agree Steven, Ida and Nadine for a Gobitripp. After the holidays, is there a new timetable and I have no idea if I will again teach the same classes.
A special feature, which caused me some trouble at the top are the "English names" of as students. Because the Mongolian names are sometimes very difficult to pronounce, all children are allowed at the beginning of English lessons choose an English name. , Unfortunately many things are allowed to sit in my classes so that Mr.Ben, James (Bond), Spiderman, Cinderella, Sunny, Snowy, and Simba. Then there are several Jacks, John, Josh, James, Jenny, Alex, Simons, Bills and Bens. Finally, the Mongolian name would perhaps be easier: Cinderella Bolor means, for example, which means crystal. Very often, as the name partly tsetseg = flower, Munkh, and Enkh Baatar. Most of the names given to boys and girls, it means one of my Schuelerinnen Delger, just as well as the director of the school. Last names do not exist in Mongolia. Requires an official paper a family name, the name of the father's own name behind the set (Amartuvshin Delger is the son of Delger). Even more frequently we see that the father's name is placed in abbreviated form in front of their name (D. Amartuvshin). The children call me so not Ms.Soltermann, but teacher Brigitte and Brigitte teacher. If they do sign up, they simply call "teacher" or the Mongolian word "bagsh.
This week I was not so much prepared, I will use my free Friday to me in the really large library and something to look for next week's lessons vorzubereiten. Auf jeden Fall fuehle ich mich schon ziemlich herausgefordert, 6-jaehrige Kinder zu unterrichten (eigentlich waere in unseren Lektionen nur das Englisch-Sprechen gefragt), deren Sprache ich weder verstehe noch spreche. Da meine Fantasie und Kreativitaet leider nicht sooo gross sind, muss ich mich echt anstrengen, den Unterricht altersgerecht zu gestalten - hoffentlich lerne ich das hier moeglichst schnell!


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