Thursday, December 9, 2010

Scorpio Ex Still Texts Me

Advent auf Mongolisch

Mongolian my birthday "cake"

And again I start a post with an apology to all of you at home, maybe now and then to this page stop by and be disappointed because I've written again, nothing new. Since the last entry but a lot has happened: I suddenly despite laziness in preparing once again very much enjoy teaching and the worst group I regularly "takes apart" and the totally unpredictable makes teaching brings, not me completely out of the rest. This can also on the lookout again different, but I enjoy it as long as I have this peace. But the teens are just so half me, I still work best with the children at primary age. And if I run some of our fast-or-quite-2-meter Elftklässler in the hallway on the way, I make myself small and I'm glad, "only" to the Tenth Briefing. Recently I got another tenth grade, for an additional lesson. They are a German class and all suuuper (in German). The lessons are something special because some speak English as well as German and others to really no correct set about. But it is fun to be able to explain sometimes in German or what new vocabulary from the German lessons to address in English classes so that students link the multiple languages, what they're doing great. Then I meet for four weeks every Monday to talk for two hours with three Turkish women by the Mongolian-Turkish high school to study English. They also teach all English, but want to necessarily often speak English and meet other foreigners. And on Friday I meet with each Mulayim, who informs her husband at the Turkish school, but a four-month-old daughter and is therefore not currently working. Three of these four women have come as a 18 year old in Mongolia, have one year as the first language learned after a while in the dormitories of schools worked and studied at Mongolian universities. Fatma, the oldest of the three, is married to a Turkish head of Darkhan school and has two children, Mulayim and Merve are the same age as me, that is already 5 years in Mongolia. Rita and I continued to go three times a week in the Mongolischunterricht. Einmal zu Solongo, welche schon seit etwa Mai meine Mongolischlehrerin ist und die anderen zwei Stunden zu Chamia, einer älteren Lehrerin an unserer Schule. Sie spricht nicht schlecht Englisch und wir müssen mittlerweile darum bitten, sie soll doch mongolisch sprechen, damit die Stunde nicht zur Englischstunde verkommt. Diese Stunden sind manchmal recht grotesk... Sie kommt offensichtlich unvorbereitet und ist aber nicht besonders flexibel oder spontan. Dann nimmt sie jeweils ein Lehrmittel hervor und schlägt es an irgendeiner Stelle auf. Dann spricht sie Wörter vor und wir wiederholen diese, danach kopieren wir einige Dinge in unsere Hefter und zum Schluss dürfen wir dann noch selber Sätze schreiben.
Aber gerade heute war die Stunde kurzweiliger: Together we have learned a Mongolian New Year's song, which, unlike other songs, has only two verses and spoke to us about cope even moderately good. I know now that in Mongolia the Santa Claus comes on New Year's (or Christmas), brings Schmutzli instead of a dancing girl snow, also a bear, a wolf, a fox and a hare ... This dance one after the Christmas or New Year tree. I'm looking forward to experience this and can think of a loud laughter in the internet cafe here in the middle keep back only halfway. You must know that the snow Chamia us girls, the bear, the wolf, the fox and the hare had pre-punched in her classroom (because we are but can not understand all the Mongolian explanations) and then subsequently has yet to be convincingly deep voice with the Mongolian Santa Claus ... It is small, rounded, very nice and today was in a red Kaschmirjupe packed with gleichfarbenem top. And finally, they sent all their eleventh grade students from the classroom so that we can sing together again disturbed the Mongolian song. Logically, the door was not closed and the students have listened to us and looked clean. They would sit there because of me and we can also drown. It was a good lesson here :-) My Advent is a time with many letters and birthday Päckli and a lot of sadness and farewell, because I'm reminded every goodbye, that I go away soon Darkhan. And say goodbye to one person after another for me much easier than all my friends back here at a time! But three more exciting months ahead of me: New Year celebrations and the right Mongolian New Year in early February: Tsaagan Sar, white moon, or month. And this weekend I'm going if all goes well with a few friends to Anak Ranch, an hour of Darkhan away. There we go ride for me probably the last time in Mongolia.

Darkhan in December


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