Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sony Dv Camera Night Vision

ein typisch mongolischer Ausflug

Ida went last weekend and I fish. The whole thing grew into a typical Mongolian thing. After we leave on Friday evening with Jaisri partied and had cooked "Japanese pizza", we made two of us at eight clock with our belongings on the way towards Jizos of work. This wanted to depart at seven clock, but we had already made our plans. In the end it turned out that the departure would probably still move something Jizo had to wait for his mother so that they could take over his job as a parking lot attendant. He shares this job with his younger brother 24 and his mother. Jizo was the way, the Japanese teacher at our school is, right Munkhzorigt and is as old as Ida and me.
After I Jizos mother, father ("Hello, My name ... I'm social worker, I'm constuctions engineer, Thank you, thank you!") And little sister Khuslen (not really) know, we waited to other people. Finally, we were completely and were able to drive off by 23 clock. Also present were two Mongolian and out of Jizo, a Japanese friend of Jizo, Ida and I and a complete family of Mongolian grandfather, son, wife, boy and baby. We gave ourselves to the two cars and drove off. Ida and I were assigned to the family car, which meant that we sat together with his grandfather on the Ruecksick. He had been thrilled to us because we understand hardly a word of Mongolian. Again and again he began to speak with us and eventually we answered only with "tsa", which he took with a loud laugh jedemal note. The woman said a few words in English and we were able to communicate something. Our driver was miserable. He drove very slowly and here nor bad. Despite deep extended because he just drove into the lane, giving the underbody of the car has not just done well. After 40 minutes the other car was waiting for us and we were greeted with vodka. After the vodka in the same round was slow driving until we arrived at 0.30 am Orkhon. There, the men laid out their nets, and we went upstream to a piece (towards the south, the Orkhon flows further north along the Selenge and flows into Lake Baikal). Ida and I made a fire and boiled tea (tsai) and rice (budaa) with potatoes (Tums).
The men put on their fishing trousers and waded through the water and tried to impale with a kind of "trident" fish, what someone is also really good. Then they were fishing in fishing, but were not very successful. After a pike to bite anything, but no matter what I did: Up on Jun 15, fishing is not allowed because the fish still spawn. Also, I was pretty scared about handling the fish. When Ida and I came back from a walk on the surrounding hills showed us the other pike. I watched the fish a little more closely and at first thought should not have killed him right. When I asked, they said, they had not killed the fish, which stay fresh longer ...
was now there are 6 clock, making it extremely bright at 4 clock, it begins to dawn on here because we had no time change haben.Wir not slept all night, I was freezing all night and sat by the fire and smelled of smoke so pretty bad. Instead we had heard frogs, from 3 clock in the morning the birds and saw the Milky Way very clearly. To
about 8 clock we went back to the place where we had previously designed the nets. We spent another hour with fishing without success and make a fire and chocolate banana. This has no one except me knew, and except the small Mongolian boy let the locals do not convince me :-) After all, helped me eat the Ida and Hiroshi. After a little faster way back our driver made one last stop in a ger district of Old Darkhan order to clean his car before we finally at home could catch up on our sleep.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ovechkin Russian Jerseys

Endlich Sommer

During the Mongolian Spring, with its storms in the Mongolian summer is over and finally everything is really green and grows and grows, other things go inevitably to its end.
This morning we had Keiichi Jaisri Goodbye and say they fly tomorrow from Ulaanbaatar to Kuala Lumpur. My apartment suddenly seems very empty without Jaisris things, I am glad that Nadine for their last two and a half weeks is back once again come into our apartments. You and Steven will soon fly to Bangkok, Ida flies in three weeks to go home. At the same time leave the Japanese Teacher of the Japanese school in Darkhan, Mongolia and our German librarian and substitute mother Margaret is back with her four children for the three months of summer vacation to Germany. From my friends and acquaintances to stay here, the Mongol, the U.S. Marines and several volunteers from NGOs (U.S. Peace Corps, VSO and British Japanese ...?). That makes me a bit sad, but I am just curious what people I will meet during the summer (better). is at our school after two years absence a Filipino teacher will return and possibly teach an Anglo-Swiss couple here. In general, it has quite a few foreigners here in Darkhan, and I'm happy if I have contact with Mongols .... My Mongolischkentnisse set advance, unfortunately, that should speak some English or German these Mongols.
I currently have two weeks holiday and sweet idleness. Might arise during this period short trips, otherwise I have to work even something for the school. from 8 June onwards I am for 16 days with our pupils in the Summer Camp, where we teach English intensively again. After that, I can live a week or two in the family work and one of our Deutschschueler. The family apparently assumes that I help her son with learning German, I expect to learn something a little Mongolian. The family lives in a village between UB and Darkhan, has many animals and grows vegetables.
That's the short summary of my intermediate level ... More about the rather eventful last two weeks, maybe in another post.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Good Songs To Warm Up To In Basketball 2010


Oyuntugs, one of our English teachers had promised me one of the weekends of May to bring the country to their parents. And the promise it has already used this weekend. It started the whole thing a bit chaotic: Ida and I are now on Friday on the black market in Old Darkhan about shoes. On the way home I write Tugsuu whether as now planned, on Saturday morning would start driving, and if so, at what time. She writes me back, if we can be at a quarter past five at the station. I'm confused a bit, if she means Friday night or Saturday morning, she explained to me that she wanted to halb Sechs den Zug in den Norden nehmen. Bloederweise ist es bereits zehn vor fuenf und Ida und ich entscheiden uns, dass das alles ein bischen zu kurzfristig ist.

Tugsuu meint anschliessend, wenn wir nicht mitkommen wuerden, ginge sie auch nicht, sie habe schliesslich genug zu tun in Darchan und sie wuerde sich nochmals melden. Das tut sie dann auch und wir nehmen den Nachtzug um 3 Uhr... Die Zeit davor ueberbruecken wir in Idas Wohnung und ploetzlich ist die Wohnung voll: Nadine, Steven, Ida, ich und einige mongolische Freunde, von denen ich in diesem Blog noch nicht geschrieben habe. Das sind Jizo, der Japanischlehrer unserer Schule, "Bee" eine Mongolin, welche in Hawaii studiert, momentan aber hier ihre Ferien verbringt, ein Freund von Bee und Ogni Finally, a neighbor of Steve and Ida.

Jizo is nice enough to play taxi for Ida and me. At the station in Darkhan, we buy our "Bilet" and wait for the train. The waiting room is pretty full and we are once again witnessing a brawl. That comes here more often before (even in the classroom), but runs from mostly fair. No one says anything back, but all rigid. After about 20 minutes, there are two opponents still not sorry over and over again each loszugehen. Fortunately, both have quite a bit of alcohol inside them, and thus no longer the power to hurt each other seriously. I'm definitely too tired to help me continue to care for it. When the train comes, we seek our Compartment and put us back to finally get some sleep. The train cars are very simple, but imaginatively made, so that all seats will be also converted to sleeping bunks. So we sleep half hours and leave at 5 km from the Russian border in Suchbaatar, the capital of Selenge aimag, the train. ("We" are Tugsuu, her son Ariunboldt "Ariunka, Ida and me.) Suchbaatar already waiting at the station in dozens of taxis, to bring all people arriving in several small villages. From Tugsuus home village just a cab is there, but waiting for the taxi driver and organized until all those waiting have a driving opportunity.
The taxis here are more private cars, mostly in almost Driving ability Zustand. Unser Taxi ist wirklich das schlimmste Auto, in welchem ich bis jetzt mitgefahren bin, den Geraeuschen nach zu urteilen ist es aber auch kein Auto, sondern ein Traktor. Auf dem Ruecksitz sitzen fuenf Erwachsene und auf dem Vordersitz eine Oma mit Grosskind. So fahren wir nochmals eineinhalb Stunden bis in Tugsuus Heimatdorf. Auch wenn das Auto in mir die Vision hervorruft, es koennte jeden Moment den Geist aufgeben, geniesse ich die Fahrt in vollen Zuegen. Die Gegend durch die wir fahren gehoert zu den schoensten, welche ich bis jetzt in der Mongolei bereist habe. Es gibt hier viele Baeume und genausoviel Wasser. Der Aimag ist der wasserreichste der Mongolei, die zwei groessten Fluesse, die Selenge und der Orchon, fliessen hier zusammen und muenden in Russland in Lake Baikal. Because it has so far been hardly precipitation, flowing water, not everywhere, where in summer the water is flowing. Otherwise the country is still very sparse - the trees are still bare and the first flowers are only emerging now. This means that summer is very short, but more must be better. On the way we see many, many needle, and a type of duck or goose, "fear" called.

Tugsuus Arrived in town, the taxi driver takes us to the house of her parents. Tugsuus ancestors came decades ago from Inner Mongolia to Mongolia and some ancestors were Japanese and Chinese. She grew up with seven siblings - she herself is the fifth child. They told us that their parents decided during the pregnancy to give her child to a childless uncle, as in Mongolia and is still off to make. The prospective adoptive parents come to visit and wait for Oyuntugs birth, but have to back to their village because they are both teachers. A day after her departure she is born ... come back as the uncle and his wife a little later to take Tugsuu, says the father did not speak because there is not dare to say "no". He declared, his five children to be like the fingers of one hand - as he could now remove your finger from it? Sun Tugsuu remain with their biological parents and three younger siblings follow :-)
The uncle and aunt, however, not remained childless. You adopt a child from another family and take the death of his wife and the other children to live with him. This everything sounds pretty adventurous, but shows very well how families work here and stick together. Presumably this was different in Switzerland, not a few decades ago.

Tugsuus parents received us very cordially - as the first but once we sleep until noon. The house has two floors. In the lower chamber, a furnace and the "kitchen" is. In the other half of the room is a bed, table, various Cupboard and the stairs to the second floor is located there. Upstairs is the double bed and two beds for grandparents visit. There is electricity but no running water. The house itself is built, most Mongolians can on the land so reaprieren about everything yourself, or construct, in case there are relatives and neighbors to help. The water pick Tugsuus parents in the grounds of her son, which has a fountain with an electric pump. The toilet is something from the house on the edge of the fenced property and is (a rarity) equipped with toilet paper. The toilets here are all the same: a Holzhaeuschen over an approximately 2-2.5 meters deep pit. Depending on the luxury with something newer or older, unstable Wooden planks provided that retain even inexperienced Europeans from a fall in the pit. In Khujirt we had such a lousy execution this house that the children of the family did not dare to use it. (Yes, I was afraid in the night somehow into the pit).
the house has a basement to a quarter, the cellar is made up for several meters away and is used during the long winter you to stash all vegetables. Tugsuus parents have their vegetable growers but meantime there is reduced dramatically because they no longer have enough energy for a large garden. They are now 66 years old, which can be considered in Mongolia to be quite old.

Shortly before noon we are on, then, drink milk tea and eat Guetsli. Ida and I decide to take a walk, while Tugsuu boil. So we are making a tour through part of the village and then walk across the meadow to a prominent hill with a owoo. As we are a half hour later, and Ariunka Tugsuu are already on a bike in search of us. Luckily for us, but they are short back and Ida and I eat Tugsuus typical Mongolian meal of dried beef. It tells us that there are "hot meat" and "cold meat". Sheep meat is in the cold season particularly well, more beef summer. The beef is in sub-zero temperatures an einem schattigen, vor Wind geschuetzten Ort ueber den gesamten Winter getrocknet und ungefaehr ab Mai gegessen. Es wird etxtrem fein geschnitten und gekocht. Traditionellerweise wird hier das Essen alles in einem Topf gekocht. Tugsuus Eltern haben aber beispielsweise auch einen Reiskocher, so dass wir zu unseren Eintoepfen und Suppen auch Reis oder Teigwaren als Beilage haben. Am Mittag hat Tugsuu jeweils auf einer elektrischen Kochplatte gekocht, am Abend jeweils auf dem Feuer. Um das Haus warm oder kalt zu halten, wird auch der Kamin im Winter und Sommer unterschiedlich durch das Haus gefuehrt: Im Sommer direkt durch die Seitenwand nach drauusen, im Winter durch das gesamte Haus nach oben.

An diesem Abend gehe ich direkt nach dem Abendessen um acht Uhr To sleep the night before because I slept too little habe.Alle other peeling garlic, which we want to plant on Sunday.
On the lower picture is Ariunka and grandfather when Knoblauchschaelen seen. For those who are over the youthful appearance of the grandfather wonders: Mongolians have very different faces and very different age. Ariunka is 13, Tugsuu until 31st ..