Saturday, September 25, 2010

Holly Willoughby Birthday Cake This Morning Show

finally ... =)

Howdy aus Texas!

Also nochmal entschuldigung, dass ich so lange nicht geschrieben hab! Es sind einige Woche vergangen und ich hab sehr viel erlebt, Erfahrungen gemacht und vorallem Spaß gehabt! Das Wochenende nach meinem letzten Eintrag hab ich in Dallas mit meiner Gastmum und Tara verbracht. Es war ziemlich genial: am Hotelpool liegen, die Stadt angucken, shoppen gehen.... und alles bei hochsommerlichen 40°C! =) Die Schule war die letzten Wochen auch sehr genial. Wir haben chocolat chip cookies und pancakes in homemaking gemacht, in Sports super fun workouts and then there was still the Homecoming Game. But Jane has unfortunately lost. We have won the game this Friday ^ ^ Last Saturday and that I was all day with the choir on the road. Today was such a strange audition. We have arrived, have received cuts in the songs we have previously learned in class had to wait two hours and were allowed to sing in any case. The audition itself was also very funny: between me and the rich was a large black cloth stretched (so that they only choose to voice what I think a little odd ...) and it was recorded a tape to you sing your songs then good can. After that side reading and then go to the canteen and wait five more Stunkel. And best of all it is not allowed iPods, cell phones and other technical equipment to have in themselves. Most girls have simply brought blankets and pillows nd slept ^ ^ Well I am pretty bored to death ^ ^ I go assuming that I will spend my birthday today, mainly in the church ... let's see if I'm right;)
I wish you all a wonderful next school, study, work or whatever week;) ♥

way ... I'd stick doll super happy about NEN letter. I am here 10 days longer than my dear sister and she has three letters from her friends, I do not = (So:

Fam Sullivan
181 Pine Street
Kilgore, TX 75 662


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