Friday, November 26, 2010

Quo Makeup Brushes Where To Buy

My first Thanksgiving! Typical

Man kann sich bei einem sicher sein: alle Leute, die gerade versuchen Diät zu halten, werden am Thanksgivingtag eine Ausnahme machen müssen, denn es ist vorallem eins: unmassen von Essen und ein riesiges Fressfest ;D! Ich hab gelesen, dass jeder Amerikaner an Thankgiving ca. 5000-6000kcal zu sich nimmt. Am vergangenen Donnerstag hab ich gesehen, dass das tatsächlich möglich ist. Turkey, Ham, Kartoffelauflauf, Dressing/Stuffing, Sweet Potato Candy, corn salad, biscuits ... and dessert: Cherry Pie, Apple Pie, Chocolate Pie, Apple Butter Pumpkin Pie, Coconut Pie (my favorite mirror ^ ^), Caramel Oreo pie, brownies, cookies ... scary in any case much food. I think we have now for ever left overs: D! After the meal the whole family 'Apples to Apples' is played. I love it:)! Around 3 o'clock in the morning are Tara and I stood up to go with Susan to the Black Friday shopping. The people sleep outside the shops, are 1km long lines at the best rates to get. In Walmart, in Kilgore, two people were arrested because they have been fighting for something and another person was niedergetrammpelt. It is really unimaginable. The Americans are crazy; D! After seven hours of shopping we were tired and I could finally go back to my beloved bed. Exhausting day;)


Pie ♥

my host siblings ☺


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