Thursday, April 29, 2010

Is Cipralex Safe To Use Long-term


am now I a full two months here in Darkhan and it is now definitely decided that in the summer everything as it continue as before: I'm staying at the School # 19 and teach English. At the beginning I have the option left open to change jobs, which is easily possible, because many schools are happy for foreign teachers sind.Wie the summer will look is still not entirely clear.
I will teach until the end of May, after one or two weeks vacation before I go take students into the Summer Camp. This lasts for two weeks and takes place one hour north of Darkhan. Then I'll be happy anywhere in the country - right now I am about to ask various people to be able to me. Maybe I can already this weekend in the country: Tugsuus parents live somewhere in a small village in Selenge Aimag (The district, which lies in Darkhan, and which borders on Russia) is about three hours by train and bus journey from Darkhan removed. You promised me two weeks ago, bring me to a weekend in May there to help with gardening. If Tugsuu today as planned receives their reward, we will travel there on Saturday morning and garlic plant. Tugsuus parent plant almost all vegetables for themselves and the families of their own children to. I hope the plan goes on with our trip!
Anita last weekend came to visit after she had spent a few days in Ulaanbaatar and interviewed the students had, which is applying for a place for a Austaschsemester in Switzerland (at a PH or high school). She inquired first course, like everything laueft and whether we feel well again shortly afterwards chocolate, instant soups, Tee, Messer und alle anderen moeglichen und unmoeglichen Sachen aus der Schweiz auszupacken. Dank diesen Mitbringselns weiss ich jetzt auch, dass es ein Magazin gibt, das Ladies Drive heisst :-) Hab mir schon bessere Lektuere zu Gemuete gefuert - wenn ich Infos ueber ein Auto haben will, kann ich mich nur schlecht damit abfinden, wenn dieses Auto auf einer Seite mit farblich passenden Kleidern, Schuhen, Handtaschen, Parfums, etc. abgebildet ist. Nun ja, anscheinend ist das Beduerfnis nach solchen Dingen vorhanden.

Ich habe Anita zum ersten Mal gesehen, da vorher der Kontakt nur ueber Mail existierte. Und ich war sehr beeindruckt von ihrer Energie. Sie organisiert einerseits unsere Aufenthalte hier, andererseits ermoeglicht sie jeden Sommer mehreren mongolischen Lehrpersonen, in der Schweiz einen dreimonatigen Austausch an einer International School (Schaffhausen oder Zuerich) zu machen, organisiert Austauschjahre fuer mongolische Studentinnen und Studenten an Kantonsschulen oder PHs in der Schweiz  und organisiert zu guter Letzt Buechertransporte in die Mongolei. Auch an unserer Schule hat sie mit den interessierten Englischlehrpersonen Interviews durchgefuert und anschliessend Enkhtuya, unsere "Mongolischlehrerin",  fuer den Austausch ausgesucht. Diese weiss seit letzten Sonntag von Anitas Entscheidung, musste am Mittwoch nach UB fahren um einen Pass zu beantragen und hat am Montag in UB ein Interview, damit sie ihr Visum erhaelt. Bis jetzt mussten die Mongolinnen jeweils nach Peking zur Schweizer Embassy travel, so they received their visas. Apparently, Switzerland appears to protect pretty good that no one stays too long: The teachers have to, for example, a letter from our Executive Director to submit that they still have a contract and after three months in Switzerland again go back to Mongolia! Since I was really lucky with my visa and work permit. Anita has told, that have now tightened their rules and the Mongols are obtained only with a diploma in teaching a work permit.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Can Dogs Get Tourette's

Chushuur vs. Maluns

Soo, it is slowly but surely time for some news from Mongolia! Meanwhile contains every mail I receive a more or less clear indication that I should not be on the lazy, but my whole daily routine as possible to share with you :-)
I had in recent days not big appetite for the Internet because a place with the heading Internet guaranteed here for a long time no internet . And if the cafe is open and the internet works, it is usually slowed down by a horde game Santander kids, so I can possibly read mail, but few may remember to post a blog entry. The Internet Cafe is our German teacher Solongo closed for 10 days, because her husband set up a separate room again. Besides her cafe I know of three other possibilities, one of them wireless. On the safe side I am but only if I Friday morning at 10 clock Solongo to go and her husband really opens it already - so I can avoid the students. All other sites are unreliable in terms of Internet connection.
has Luckily but our computer science teacher yesterday morning, "wormed" the two Compis in the staff room and it all works perfectly again, even the Internet is fast again.
We now have a constant warm weather and in our last "walk" to Darkhan Jaisri have around and I saw lots of green. Sorry to see the fields of distance is still not green. I am very curious to see how it will look like here in summer - the soil is so sandy that I can not imagine that the really complete with grass meadows be covered. On May 15 will be turned off all the heaters. If the nights are not cold in my room then I'll finally all insulation material and tape from the windows and the Balkontuere (yes, I have a balcony!) Remove and clean the spaces between the inner and outer window window finally right. It looks slow as a terrarium with all that sand and dust. Also
Jaisri Keiichi and do a kind Fruehlingsputz, you will begin to sort their things away and disposed so that at the end only uebrigbleibt the most important thing, which they take back to Harbing. After their wedding on May 9, inform both regulators until mid / late May in their schools. Jairsi is to my English teacher for 4 years School and still teaches the way to two other schools. Keiichi's Arts & Crafts teacher at the Japanese School. The two then travel to Malaysia, where they celebrate another wedding, then to Japan and finally to Harbing.

I enjoy the great spring. I jog every day either try or go for a walk, we go every now and again just somewhere to drink coffee or something to eat in Darkhan. Ida and I have discovered two days Chushuur shop that has convinced me completely. Chushuur is a traditional Mongolian dish, which is sold on every street corner in a small shop and very very unhealthy. It is to mutton, more or less finely chopped or chopped, in the most optimal case with spices and onions in a pastry - and fried the whole thing. It is also the version with beef, which I like but not so much. I also had very bad luck: in a restaurant I have received Chushuur, some kind of only meat, the meat was also mixed with small Fettwuerfelchen ... Some of you know how I react to something like that ...! But in the one shop they were perfect: not too big, not fat, not too much meat. And the suute tse (= milk tea) was also good. At home I cook for no meat. I once bought on the black market beef stored but still in our freezer. The meat is Erin I just by a giant Kuhbein, the hung on the wall, cut off anything with an emphasis on anything ...
I had to cut home really a fight, the "connective tissue" and the ugly yellow (!), Hard fat. Not even my Swiss Army Knife has helped me. Fortunately, Keiichi is our stationed in the apartment his meat grinder, so I could beat the meat. Because actually contain all the dishes in the restaurants here and the meat Auswaertsessen not too expensive, I'm easily enough to Fleisch.Und from home I eat and canned fish (frozen or gerau real fish is way too expensive). And since I have a lot of time, I cook some things which are seen only rarely do I cook: Today I made as Maluns - mmmhhh.
now be found in shops and markets here more and more vegetables and fruits: eggplant, pak choi, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, radish, pineapple and even watermelons. For that are the native Lagergemuese the end of winter again become more expensive. The offer has something to do with the weather: In the meantime, the transport certainly become easier.

Friday, April 9, 2010

A Normal Blood Test An Tell If Hiv Is Present

zurueck zum Alltag

We are all safely back returned from our trip and at least I'm back completely arrived in everyday life. I'm trying right now to concentrate all my impressions in a travel report, what to write with my motivation but not quite compatible. Certainly follow at this point but soon a few off operations Photos.
We have seen very much and are sooo many miles down that I am very glad to be back home. The first week of school after the holidays was sometimes very gratifying, as I also had something nasty again the lessons. Yesterday I experienced the first time how it feels when a class decides 7.Klaesslern of the lessons to completely boycott ... And instead of that I have the worst student in the room would have sent, I have just tried to go through with the lessons anyway. The next time I send in an emergency several students out so that I can at least teach those students who want to learn something. My schedule is by and large still the same, few changes have been once that I have made the first grade, but I got two lessons ninth-graders and an additional lesson with my sixth graders. The lesson with the ninth graders this week I really committed, I hope the work always so calm and focused:-D By the way, the collection has the curious name of this class, thanks to expanded again: There is a Bello and Mitzi. The cheers at least my mood in the classroom again and again.
addition to tuition happened not very much: cooking, meet with other people, jogging, internet cleaning, laundry, ...
Finally, finally, also the spring is clearly noticeable, still are the temperatures below zero at night, but during the day need not be so warm to wear. My gloves and cap at the far end I have stowed in the closet. For the (young) Mongolian means warmer weather, they leave their jackets at all like home, I still walk with my winter jacket around. The entire spring is the time of the sand storms and winds it actually permanent. gestruermt True, it has only one day - but then it is best to just leave the house wearing sunglasses and covering your ears and hair, unless you want to have the sand everywhere. The snow has melted and I see now how Darkhan must look out in the summer. Right now everything is brown and sandy, in the next few weeks, the spring but take all hand-over and it turns green.