Sunday, December 23, 2007

Most Effective Penny Boat Holder

The German-down sports festival

Es ist wieder so weit.

Wer noch nach guten Vorsätzen für das Neue Jahr sucht, sollte diese Website anklicken und sich gleich im Neuen Jahr anmelden!

Das Deutsche Down-Sportlerfestival


Im Rahmen der HEXAL-Initiative "Für eine bessere Zukunft" findet das alljährliche Deutsche Down-Sportlerfestival statt. Kinder und Jugendliche mit Down-Syndrom können sich hier im Wettkampf messen, ihre Erfolge genießen und – weit wichtiger noch - Together with their siblings and parents have fun.

Many thanks to all athletes, families, volunteers and clubs for the wonderful atmosphere in Frankfurt and Magdeburg.

We look forward to seeing you at the 31st
May 2008 in Frankfurt am Main and in the fall of 2008 in Magdeburg!

Anahita, our friend and I were thrilled with the event. It's worth it and we will, God willing, to participate again in it. The great thing is that our friends have asked us when is back for this event.

The mood is so good that even "normal" great pleasure. Who of you was already there?

greetings Elke

Friday, November 23, 2007

Mauro Salieri Trailer

reading club for people with Down syndrome

Hello dear friends of Down syndrome people is

long it still been around this blog, but a lot has changed. For my daughter continues to make great progress with the letter range of creative learning.

I admit we have neglected the program a few months. It is exactly occurred, what is the website of creative learning described

Because the letters were not permanently stored in the brain, it has some "forget". I played her the CD that comes with the package, and she could write a few letters only heard a few months ago. So, I was surprised that they read all letters, but that showed me you could!

The letters were not forgotten!

Since they sometimes have super grind together the letters to form words, I am confident that, when read, the letters are imprinted deep in her brain, can. We'll stay tuned with the program!

This article about a reading club I found on the internet and was thrilled by the thought. Certainly a lot more people with disabilities in "regular" kindergartens and schools are integrated, but also with my daughter, is in an outer class, I realize how important it is also the contact with people with disabilities. You need two things: contact with others and with which, having similar difficulties.

Such a reading club, where others are in there that are struggling with reading would certainly like her. I do not know if I can muster the energy to start something. Until then, I still have some time.

But like a call to all friends of people with Down syndrome I do here:

I think it is worthwhile to establish such a reading club. Write me if you want to establish one or a reading club for disabled people know.



Saturday, July 14, 2007

Scanning Slides Resolution

school for Down syndrome children

Dear Down Syndrome interested

how it works: Down syndrome, and enrollment in a regular school?

is for some parents now, this very question. Either you very fortunate that there is an outdoor class in the city are - otherwise you have to fight for it. It is worth it!

alone, it is very cumbersome to ask why the disabled school if they know other children who are enrolled in school. Often in such a school, a kindergarten is integrated. But now many are thanking of "our children," God, be integrated into regular kindergarten, it is not easy to figure out wer zusammen mit dem eigenen Kind eingeschult wird.

In unserer Außenklasse, die mittlerweile im 7. Jahr an einer Grund- und Hauptschule geführt wird, sind Altersunterschiede von 4 Jahren. Wichtig ist, rechtzeitig Kontakte mit anderen Eltern zu knüpfen und dann gemeinsam das Anliegen an die Behinderten-Schule zu stellen, dass man eine Außenklasse gründen möchte.

Bei uns bot sich die kleine Grund- und Hauptschule im Vorort an. Meistens haben gerade diese Schulen Schwierigkeiten, genug Kinder zu bekommen, weil keiner sein Kind gerne auf einer Hauptschule sieht. Unsere Hauptschule ist übrigens super! Es gibt auch die Möglichkeit, sein Kind in eine normale Grundschule einzuschulen und mit Integrationshilfe to work.

my opinion, this makes less sense. I think that by the third or fourth school year, our children can not keep up and what do you do? Then our child has just settled in and has to change but on the disabled school. Repeat the class means for the child and new classmates ... .

Especially my daughter needs the regularity and habits. And it needs also are YOUR SAME! It's not easy to screw his own ambition back, but when the interests of the child keeps in mind, it is easier.

I am also happy when I find someone who is so like me who thinks the way I ...

Does not everyone have his friends? And so it goes to my daughter. She loves her brothers and their friends, the neighborhood children, children from the place (everybody knows) but particularly she is glad to see after the holidays, the children from their outer class.

The experience we gained in integrated foreign class are just very positive. I wish everyone to have this opportunity.

Regards Elke

PS: Here is a review of Jonas, who was integrated into a mainstream primary school and has made it into the higher grades.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Science Project With Paper Towel Absorption


Dear potential of Down syndrome Menschen,

Pränataldiagnostik ist ein schwieriges und heikles Thema. Bekannt ist ja, dass es Frauen ab 35 angeboten wird. Bekannt ist auch, dass es durch die Fruchtwasseruntersuchung zu Fehlgeburten kommen kann, so dass sich jede Schwangere wirklich überlegen sollte, ob sie eine Fruchtwasseruntersuchung machen lässt oder nicht.

Ich finde, dass sie es nur machen sollte, wenn sie sich auch über den nächsten Schritt bewußt ist, d.h. wenn die Diagnose eintrifft, die man eigentlich nicht wollte. Ansonsten setzt man dem Kind eine unnötige Gefahr aus. Nur, um zu wissen, dass das Kind "normal" ist, dafür ist eine Fruchtwasseruntersuchung zu gefährlich.

Anscheinend gibt es seit 2004 in Denmark a risk poorer investigation. Anyone who clicks on this link, a report by this and an investigation was made in Denmark, as the on abortions and the number of births of babies with Down syndrome affects.

Here is an excerpt that I think is important:

"A widespread prenatal testing is however not uncontroversial example, criticize parents' associations such as the Down Syndrome Information Center in Cologne, that many parents are not informed sufficiently about the consequences of disability. would be - a life with Down syndrome can both the child and the parents are just as satisfied as Offspring without the genomic mutation. "

which I can wholeheartedly agree. Sure, there's something else, a child with Down syndrome instead of a" normal ". I would never want to exchange my daughter and I would never one of my three sons want to miss. It's up to each own.

Let's not forget that the women who have abortions suffer years later with great remorse. Sure, at first it is the solution. The problem is gone, but over the years appear on the conscience then is to make irreversible

A woman has contacted me in one of my parents' child-Turn Group:.. You was because they already "older" was to leave to make an amniocentesis and lost the baby there. "Actually, I would have had two children ...." I felt so sorry for this woman with this burden. I think it has done its good to talk about it.

Perhaps it is building, but on someone who is facing such a situation and reads how happy you are with a child with Down syndrome.

I would be delighted if you send me comments or you can also mail me.



Monday, May 28, 2007

Chrisitan Wrestling Singlets

ears kiss, the newspaper of people with Down syndrome

Dear friends of people with Down syndrome,

read that right: there are half a year a newspaper that was written by people with Down syndrome. Where? Just click here!

ears kiss on television:
On Thursday, 31.05.2007, 14:15 clock comes on 3sat in the series "From another point of view" of the half-hour film "Reporter for ear kiss - a colorful world in clear language."

What is an ear kiss?
One hears and sees all things - most of it goes in one ear and immediately out again to the other ear.
But some things are also important and will remain in the head - this is then an ear kiss.

This is the definition I have found on the homepage. Check it out clean. I think it's a great thing.



Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Make Fitted Vinyl Tablecloth

Sport is Down syndrome people are good

Dear Friends Down syndrome,

it was a super successful event:

5th Down athletes Festival in London 12:05:07

Even the area in front of the hall was elaborately decorated with colorful balloons. There were at every corner of volunteers in red T-shirts, who accompanied the children in their competitions, or simply looked after or at the information booth to answer questions or were sold something delicious coffee, cakes, ice cream, ... .

The mood in the packed hall was great. And for us it was a wonderful experience, so many Down syndrome people in all age groups experience with families. At this point a very big thank you to the organizers and all volunteers and sponsors.

I can only recommend strongly to visit this event. Toll was also the talk on "Down syndrome and sexuality" in order to get around and not displace it should not.

proudly took our daughter her certificate and medal on Monday with the school. Of course she had told her t-shirt from the event, and has determined their teachers of the great day.

Whoever was there, I can post you. I am looking forward to your comments and reactions.

greetings Elke

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Small Bubble In Lower Lip

sports festival for Down Syndrome World Down Syndrome

Down syndrome love sports such

it is so far ahead applications for Down's sports festival.

Dates: 12th
May 2007 in Frankfurt / Main
22nd September 2007 Madgeburg

Sport is our children with Down syndrome more than good. My daughter is now registered with DLRG and about to make her bronze badge.

From physical aspect aside, I think it's great that it was integrated. By the way it does me good, I should be regarded in the days when she has swimming lessons swim also my tracks in peace :-) Best regards


In der nächsten Post einige Infos und Tipps zum Lesen und Schreiben lernen. Was macht man, wenn die Buchstaben langsam sitzen? Wie das Interesse und den Sinn vom Lesen und Schreiben wecken...
Also bleibt dran...

Monday, February 12, 2007

Can I Ride My Motorcycle After A Stroke


Hallo, liebe Leser,

ich denke, dies ist auch eine Hilfe im Umgang mit dem Down Syndrom.

Anlässlich des "Welt Down-Syndrom Tags 2007″ findet am 17. März im schweizerischen Fribourg eine Down-Syndrom Tagung statt, bei der natürlich auch alle Interessierten aus den umliegenden Nachbarländern herzlich willkommen sind!

Das Ziel der Tagung ist es, eine möglichst breit gefächerte Informationsplattform für betroffene Familien, deren to provide members and friends, as well as therapists, doctors and media. There

more info here it !

greetings Elke

Changing Jeep Ljberty Shocks

Switzerland dealing with Down syndrome Down

Dear readers interested

if you read you on my blog by the posts, you will surely find some help on "How do I deal with Down syndrome?"

But now some help for those who do not are directly affected :

course, one sensitive and troubled, to get a diagnosis for their child.

But please do not avoid dealing with us! On

best is the truth zu sagen über das, was man denkt. Z.B. "Ich habe Angst, dich zu verletzen, weil ich nicht weiß, was ich sagen soll." Für mich galt: Macht nichts, deine Nähe ist mir schon viel wert! Oder: "Soll ich zur Geburt des Kindes gratulieren?" Ja, denke ich. Alles andere und weitere Gespräche ergeben sich dann von allein. Wie gesagt, immer offen über alles reden.

Es tut vielleicht auch ganz gut, sich anzubieten, so dass die betroffene Person Zeit hat; Zeit zum Nachdenken, Weinen, Abschalten ... .

Warum hinterlasst Ihr nicht einen Kommentar, so dass ich darauf antworten kann. Ich schaue regelmäßig in meinem Blog nach und werde eure Anregungen und Anfragen beantworten.

Ich hope all interested readers could be helped by the contribution anything.

Regards Elke

Saturday, January 27, 2007

How To Wear A Floral Skirt

German athletes Festival

Hello to all interested parties to Down German athletes Festival ,

it is a really great thing, what is now the 5th Times will be held:

"On your marks, get set, love of life ..."

HEXAL Under the initiative "For a Better Future" held down the annual German sports festival. Children and young people with Down syndrome may have shown their skills in competition, enjoy their successes, and - more important still - in common with her siblings and parents of fun.

Dates for this year:

12th May 2007 in Frankfurt / Main
22nd September 2007 Madgeburg

From the end of February you can sign up at the link above.

Tip: there on the page great gallery of past festivals. Alone browsing these images you get pleasure to join!

We want this year for the first time to participate. Perhaps one or the other of you so interested in it too.



Thursday, January 18, 2007

Implantation Bleeding Red Then Brown

Christmas, New Year's Eve and hurricanes ...

So my love ....
first a very great excuse that I had written anything for so long .. but here I have always much to do, or'm not at home or something like that .... I'm sorry .. but I'm going to jez times a bissl take time and tell you all the latest events .. and it is much happened ..!
so I just caught on to Christmas! I have celebrated Christmas at my house with all the ancestral .. .. and it was very funny! Christmas actually runs from something similar in Germany ... therefore you should not think they like it here, the Russians do what !.... I was a bit sad was that we actually do not really the advent "celebrated" So every Sunday .... have had been quite normal, there was no snow, there was no gingerbread and Stollen (but I've fortunately got a lot from Germany sent ... thank you again) ... which is a umpteenth what has helped for a little Christmas feeling was the mulled wine ... but hey ..... the 24th was then still at some point! 23 I'm with my host family for Christmas Pelmeni and baked pies ... what a proposition was very mealy but still funny ... and at least they tasted too! the right began to cook but only on 24 at ... at the pallet, it is the Christmas they eat (ie, 24) lots and lots of typical Latvian things ..... so it happened so I on 24 before a buffet dinner with all the food was much ... and there were: gray peas with bacon (very tasty), pig snout (just like ne snout-like but I've eaten nothing since I am with the pig still would have can maintain such a genuinely looked it), various salads, and our pelmeni dumplings, potatoes, cabbage, cake very much and of course the German gingerbread and German stollen (which has the pallets also tasted very good)! yes I think I've forgotten anything! after eating I got my mess! gastopa was my father Christmas for my little gastbrueder and my host sister of a difference Christmas angel ....!!! In my family it was so that one only his gift when you get a Latvian poem reciting or singing a Latvian song .... and the same was true for me .... but I've already learned so busy and I've also got my gifts! added after the big mess my host dad a fireworks made for us ... which was very great, and then later in the evening we are all still went to the sauna ...! I went to 2 clock at night fell into bed ... dead .... but happy it was a really nice Christmas ... even though I could not celebrate with my beloved in Germany!!
yes ... then a week later was the new year ..... we also have with us again celebrated at home in our disco room! then again there were all relatives and friends with us!! new year is celebrated here as well as in Germany ... there is much drinking and dancing and celebrating! at 0.00, my dad once again welcoming a fireworks made and then you drive normally if you live in the city of Ventspils in the to begin in the Flower because ventspils the new year until about 0.31 (that's a tradition in Ventspils), where the mayor holds a speech and then there is a huge fireworks and music .... but unfortunately I could not see because the order d hese time of all the drivers can have very drunk and then say now would be too dangerous (oh yeah and I may have to do that I see in a village 7 km from Ventspils ...=))... live but Well perhaps experience I would go way different again! so we are still at home and have more properly celebrated with karaoke, water pipe, Norbu, table tennis and then a little later and of course sauna .... more logical!! when for me the night has ended I can not say I've not looked at the clock .. ...=).. but it was long!
jaja ... for you, so then went on 2 the school or go back I think? I certainly had a week vacation =)... more in this week I went to there and I Jaunpiebalga johanna, another exchange student from us, and visited their host brother Kaspar =)... The week was .. as always .. very funny .. in one day we were at a pirtspart (sauna party) was here much in Latvia typisch is t( und natuerlich immer mit wasserpfeife) und sehr sehr viel spass macht..!!!das muesste man mal in deutschland einfuehren ..ihr wisst gar nicht was euch da entgeht...
so was gibt es noch neues??achja ich hatte in der ueberschrift was von orkanen gelesen!! wir hatten am sonntag( 14.01.) einen orkan ...und es war richtig riga sind die autos durch die luft geflogen, wir hatten 2 tage lang kein strom und wasser, die schiffe sind gestrandet, wir mussten montag nicht in die schule und 2 mensch sind gestorben ...also es war richtig schlimm!! meine gastfamilie meinte das das hier normal ist..wenn es im winter nicht schneit da nn kommen orkane...also ich brauch das nicht nochmal aber so it looks like I will not save for tomorrow, because (19.01.) is again a vorrausgesagt but this time with snow! look like once .. anyway .. but that is not afraid ... I am doing well ... the sanne Nothing blows away as soon ...!!!
yes I think that was really interesting all of me first! I would like to thank you for the great post-Christmas I have received from so many and I've also already written you back .. I just have to throw those words .... know if they meant it .. could you has already looking forward to post from me!
nochwas about the pictures and oh yeah ... the first of new year are ... are on the first my older host sister and I anete on 2nd my host dad agris, my host mom vita, my gastoma and a friend of her .. I know you can not recognize the right at the 3rd I sing karaoke at the picture .. was very funny =)... on the 4th the left and right my gastbrueder Martin and Janis and is in the middle armands friends .. the son of the best of my family ... then the next is I with my hookah .. oh yes .. the next nice because we were in a penis museum =) .. the picture is then'm coming from there ... and the last with my dad and hospitable to new year ... yeah ok so much about the pictures ... that you forget not like Love your looks sanni ne? is clear ..
so na ata then ... I'd say ... and see you soon again .. love from gruesse lettland..eure sanne=*

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Chimney Breast Decoration

promote learning in Down syndrome

love Down syndrome parents

the last post I had on the promotion von Lesen und Schreiben bei Kindern mit Down Syndrom berichtet. Meine Tochter macht mit dem Paket von der Firma Kreatives Lernen Fortschritte.

Jetzt taucht ein anderes Hindernis auf. Wie schaffe ich die Umsetzung:

Es ist für mich manchmal erdrückend, wie viel Eigenverantwortung, Zeit, Nerven und Mühe es mich kostet, meine kleine Tochter zu fördern. Selbst ein so gutes Programm reicht alleine nicht. Ich war über Weihnachten ziemlich erschöpft und geschafft. Es war vielleicht auch der selbstgemachte Druck, dass ich meine Tochter so gut wie möglich fördern möchte.

Da kam mir um die Jahreswende die rettende Idee:

Warum nicht eine Schülerin ihr Taschengeld can improve by practicing with Anahita, the program of Mr. Kennedy. I think that I solve then several problems at once.

First, the enormous pressure of me is gone, besides large financial, medical appointments and part-time work to support my daughter. And I think that this is certainly a motivating effect for me and I say now more than ever, come Ani, what do you want to.

addition, they are really two regularly scheduled in the week, in which certain letters and consistently "played". The regularity is incredibly important!

And the third is also the contact with outsiders important for Anahita. It must be clear Express order that they understand. I hope you realize that language is important. More specifically, listening, clear speech and the importance of the letters, for which I would like Anahita awareness in this way.

What learning methods have helped in your Down Syndrome children? I appreciate your contributions

