Monday, August 30, 2010

Repleacement Forshoes

... a week later =

decorate Hello my friends!

is now gone from my last entry almost exactly one week. My first week was generally very good. I still have my schedule can change two times, but nothing moving, just another sport and another Biokurs. In fashion design, I have learned how to sew, in raising children how to make a two-foot teddy bear cake (do not know how the one in there ^ ^) and in sports as you do in WiiDance the most points;). My reserved seat in the canteen I've now;)
was on Friday peprally bad in school, pretty funny ^ ^ that there is something not in Germany! And on Friday was the birthday party von einem Enkel meiner Gasteltern, mit gaaanz viel HotDogs, Torte und Eiscreme ^-^ bei jedem foto das gemacht wurde hieß es: "facebook", bei jedem video "youtube". Die sind hier sowas von Medienabhängig ;)! Heute hat meine Gastschwester Mandi ihr Baby bekommen. Beide sind wohl auf und ihr Kind ist sooo süß =)! Aber das Beste kommt noch: meine liebste Tarabea kommt am Dienstag hier her. Ja Tara kommt tatsächlich nach Texas! Ich bin so glücklich, ich freu mich sooo unglaublich, das ist alles so unglaublich! Ich hab das Gefühl, dass Schicksal führt uns immer wieder zusammen ;) erst in Wolfsburg, dann Sprötz, in Berlin und jetzt in Kilgore!! Nun gut, ich muss noch ein wenig für den Englischtest lernen. Also dann... =)

Monday, August 23, 2010

How Old Does A Baby Have To Be To Snowboard


you here I'm trying my long summer holidays together something

began my summer in June with two weeks of vacation: One was for most teachers do not vacation, had to because they are examining and correct. Also, I was usually in school, because I'm on the search for teaching ideas for the summer camp was still running around. Then I went to summer camp with our pupils. Our "province" Darkhan Uul aimag has about an hour's drive away from Darkhan a camp with several warehouses. Almost all the camps of the schools or organizations are held there. The camp is very nice. In Darkhan there are no forest or what years ago was maybe there was some time mid cut down. There, where the camp is but it is a beautiful contiguous forest. As far as I've seen, there is only one species - needle, but of which I do not know the name. These are surprisingly large, I'm assuming that this forest is therefore in a good condition so because the camp is there. Originally, the camp (the name is Zulzaga) built by the Russians.
Since the end of socialism come almost exclusively Mongolians here. At the same time with our children but was also a Russian group were twice da.Wir eight days since, first with our younger students, then with the elderly. The program was about the same thing: On the first day and arrive to your room, then three days with English lessons, a hiking and then nochmals zwei Tage mit Lektionen, Abschlusstag. Fuer uns war das Lager ziemlich anstrengend, vor allem weil es waehrend der zweiten Schicht unglaublich heiss war. Ich musste mit den Kindern Theater spielen. Nicht dass ich eine Ahnung davon haette, aber ich hab’s einfach hinter mich gebracht. Es hat mir schlussendlich aber wider Erwarten Spass gemacht, manche der Schueler haben sich sehr ins Zeug gelegt. Am eindruecklichsten am ganzen Lager waren die Unmengen Essen, die uns zugemutet wurden, eigentlich waren wir nur am Essen. Manchmal hatten wir zwischen zwei Essenszeiten Freizeit und haben rein gar nichts gemacht. Es gab ein Riesenfrühstück und um etwa 11 Uhr hatten wir eine Joghurtpause. Dann konnten wir mit unseren Ajag (Schüsselchen) zu einem kleinen Huettchen auf dem Gelaende gehen und unsere Portion frisches Joghurt abholen. Und etwa 2 Stunden spaeter gab es schon wieder Mittagessen, das war noch riesiger. Eine Portion Suppe (in einem riesigen Blechnapf, wie im Gefängnis) welche immer aus viel Gemüse, Kartoffeln oder Reis und immer auch Fleischstuecken bestand. Danach gab es nochmals einen Gang: Reis mit einem Fleischkloss/Geschnetzeltem oder die typisch mongolischen Matuun Booz, das ist klein geschnittenes Schaffleisch in einem gedaempften Hefeteigkloss.

Am Nachmittag gab es ein Gebäck mit Tee und am Abend nochmals ein riesen Abendessen. Kein Wunder mussten wir soviel schlafen, das viele Essen wog einfach zu schwer in unseren Maegen :-)

In diesem Lager hab ich entdeckt, dass Rhubarb grows well in Mongolia, but he has already bloomed, the stems were also miniature, because it is very dry here! And then I'm also the first time properly seen a lot of hemp, one of Darkhan everywhere to have around in the meadows waechst.Und the first and only snake I saw in the camp, even though it often is here. The camp is equipped
Zulzaga well, There was a large football field, a volleyball court and old Russian Hollywood swings (all metal and well-sealed, virtually indestructible), table tennis plus a room with one. The Mongols are good athletes: All children, with very few exceptions, play technically very good volleyball, basketball and football are just as popular. Also played very much billiards / pool and tennis (ping pong). In summer you can find at the markets of most pool tables in the open air ... The traditional sports such as wrestling, archery and traditional dance will run less often. In summer you can see the guys but frequently wrestle for fun.

Discover Cake Decorating Course 1

Hello again ;)

Ja natürlich die Echse ist mein neuer Mitbewohner. Neben Travis, Scooby and Reamos, die Hunde. Mein erster Schultag war gut. Bin in der Juniorclass und hab einen genialen Stundenplan:

1. Fashion Design
2. Choir
3. P.E./ Girls Athletics
4. US History (junior)
5. Algebra II
6. Child Dev/Lifetime Nutr (->Homemaking)
7. Biology AP
8. English II

Ziemlich genial =) Und 16Uhr bin ich dann immer zu Hause. Die Leute sind sehr nett, haben mich gut auggenommen. Nur meine English class mocht ich nicht so, aber I've changed eh:) I think math is very simple, but then I'm just a simple math years ahead of me ^ ^ Let's see how the week is so =)!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Compression Garments For Loose Skin

Yeaay Texas)

halli hallo!

So I arrived safely in Texas. I'm doing very well. My parents are sooo incredibly nice and my Gechwister (they do not live at home, but I've already met all) are also incredibly nice. They strive at all very me! I was awake for two days, 12 hours of flight + 7 hours of waiting time and the day before that I had not really slept. Here I will very happy in my huge Bett geschlafen und bin morgens vom Bacongeruch aufgewacht =) Den ganzen Tag über war ich mit Mandi zusammen, einer meiner Gastschwestern. Sie ist hoch schwangen und alle sind so aufgeregt und gespannt auf das Baby. Am Abend war dann die Birthdayparty meiner Mum. Wir waren sicher über 20 Leute und haben mexikanisch gegessen. Heute war Sundayschool. Im Prinzip Kirche. Sie nennen es "school", weil man je nach Alter in verschiedene Klassen eingeteilt wird und vor dem eigentlichen Gottesdienst in seiner "class" nöch ein paar Vorträge hört, Diskusionen führt, Spiele spielt, ein bischen wie in Taizé diese classes ;). In der Kirche sind sie alle supernett, alle sind zu mir gekommen und haben mit mir geredet, mich Dinge über Germany asked or how I feel, how long my flight was at what school I go, in which class, saying things like "oh your so sweet, i like you", "you look so pretty", "your shirt is cute" and "glad to have you in church." Is it soooo easy to the Texans. There are also some things that I must get used to: they eat Sogut as always warm breakfast, lunch, supper, always warm. Everything is soo big: the cars, houses, refrigerators, everything. And what is pretty awesome: I feel incredibly thin here;) I hope this does not change soon ^ ^. So all in all I am very happy here. Tomorrow is my first day at school and I'm sooo excited. Please remember me that everything will be fine! ;)

Monday, August 16, 2010

When Time For My Period I Start Peeing A Lot

38 degrees in my new home! =)

Sooo ...

Wow people sitting in less than four days I have been with my family in Texas and probably celebrating the birthday of my Mum. Really funny idea but I am also mad my mum and my dad finally meet in person and in the 38 ° C to collect warm Kilgore. =) On next Monday, in exactly one week, then I have my first day of school. Whaa I'm excited but also super excited! Last Saturday was the farewell party with my family. Was very nice to see you cover and say goodbye. Well and now I'm working hardest goodbye friends and pack up.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Do All Bluray Players Upconvert?


Heyho people!

I've got about a half hour before my placement! It is for me to Texas! My place is called Kilgore and is quite small. My mom is a teacher of Music and Drama, I also believe there's a piano in the house and they have a dog and birds. I have my own room. My father is working something in the bank. With my Gastmum I've just chatted for half an hour, she writes that she is very happy for me and it will be a very exciting year since their daughter now has a child and her other married in February. She also has on my arrival birthday! On the same day as my mum here in Germany;) Oh you people, I'm sooo excited that you do not believe! And I fly on Thursday! I have only five full days of everything to have it! Oh man that is what, from now probably quite stressful!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Flirting With Scorpio Men

I've been dreaming ...

now begins to follow me this story America really ... I've dreamed of that I will be part of Oregon. Not exactly like my dream: D I hope the time is not true! Slowly goes to pack suitcases and I can really only take a little bloody ... And still no news, so you have to also adapt to the weather conditions a bit, so it's impossible .... = (

Monday, August 2, 2010

Who Make Backpacks For The National Guard

Wanderlust ... back


Also mein Visum hab ich jetzt seit ca. einer halben Woche im Pass =)! Das heißt jetzt ist wirklich nur noch der letzte Schritt, dass mir mein Ort und meine Gastfamilie mitgeteilt wird. Ich bin wirklich gespannt wo ich lande!! Und langsam will ich hier auch weg... Es ist nur noch ziemlich wenig was mich hier hält und ich hab das Gefühl es wird immer weniger. Es wird wirklich Zeit das ich hier wegkomme und ich freu mich unendlich auf einen Neuanfang in den USA! Ich bin sicher, dass es ein sehr geniales Jahr wird! Nur das Essen macht mir noch Angst...^^